Future Plans for This Web Page

So what would I like to add to this site in the future?

  1. More resources for children's books, videos, music and especially software. These resources are reasonably easy to find in English, harder in other languages. Our list is getting longer, but there is still a real need for more.

  2. More reviews of books for bilingual families.

  3. Web pages and ftp sites with children's songs and nursery rhymes in a wide variety of languages. Again, these sites are reasonably easy to find in English, more difficult for other languages. The members of biling-fam have been terrific about creating and finding such sites, but there's always room for more.

  4. Sources for books and other resource material for parents who want to teach their children to read and write in the minority language.

  5. Lists of appropriate Usenet newsgroups, for example for discussing issues about families and children in languages other than English.

Can you help me with information on any of these topics? If so, please e-mail me.

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